Pulling Together Five

A journey through the chaos while finding beauty in every step.

We’re using this website to keep family and friends updated in one place. It’s becoming too much for us to call or message all our family and friends separately. We’re just starting this journey and know keeping up will become more challenging.

As much as I want to be, I've never been great at journaling. Since the day the ultrasound tech told me I needed the biopsies, I've been documenting this journey on TikTok with short videos. We all know I can talk, so it's been a place to inform and share my thoughts easily as I go through this new season in life. I've found it helpful to look back on already, and I've met several women who have gone through or are still going through the same experience. It's helped me feel less isolated. 

We appreciate your understanding of the somewhat impersonal method to update everyone and your support and encouragement. Feel free to text or message us, but please know we may not be able to respond for a few days. Thank you.

If you would like to follow along there, you are welcome anytime. If you prefer not to join TikTok, I understand. I will post some videos here as well. You do not need to join to watch the videos; click “Not Now” on the pop-up prompt.